
The Year 3 and 4 have been learning about mass (the weight of objects). Today we were looking at the difference between grams and kilograms. First we handle the different weights and discussed which unit of mass different objects would be weighed in and why. Then, with the help of some scales, we worked out the missing weights to make 1kg.

P.E. Circles                        

This week in PE, both Diamond Class and Emerald Class worked together in our circle groups. Our objective was to work as a group to design a relay race which everyone could take part in. First we sat in our groups to think up our races. Then the circle leads got together to set out the races and make sure each team knew what they had to do. We had great fun and learned how support and encouragement can help teams achieve.

The Eye of the Tiger

We learn how to play the pbone with Mr Bell every Tuesday. This week we learned how to accompany ‘The Eye of the Tiger’ using notes D and Bflat. We also had a fun competition to see who could play the longest note. Next week we are going to learn some new notes.

Reading Comprehension

Every Wednesday, we learn how to read texts and answer a range of questions about them. We enjoyed working together to analyse the text and then think about how we can use the text to help us answer the questions. 

Collective Worship – Circles

In our circle assembly, we discussed ways we could save energy in school. 

 Our ideas included:  

  • Opening the curtains and blinds to let light in
  • Turning off lights when we leave a room
  • Turning off taps
  • Wearing more layers
  • Only putting on the heating when we need it

Afterschool Sports Club

Miss Fairbrother takes afterschool sports club and this week we are learning how to play football and Chinese football.

Parts of a Computer                     

Today in computing we looked at the physical hardware used to make a computer. In groups we looked at some very strange looking computer parts and tried to guess what they did. We then used our knowledge to match pictures, titles and descriptions of parts that can be found both inside and outside of a computer. 


In French we watched a French firework song video to learn firework vocabulary and then we made firework pictures from French words.

Number Monsters                        

This week in French we practised our numbers to 20 and parts of the face. The children told Madame Harvey in French what to draw to make a monster face on the board e.g. une grande tete, dix-sept yeux, deux bouches. They then worked with a partner to describe a monster for their partner to draw.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
