In computing, we learned about the connections we have with other people and how these may be linked to others, creating a social network. We then applied this knowledge to learn how a computer network passes messages and the equipment that is used in the process.
Diamond Class Activities
English Expedition
Year 4, 5 and 6 are learning to write an adventure story this term. They are going on an expedition to Lake Mono as part of a production team and have learned about the jobs available, acted out the jobs and have learned to write a job application form.
Keep checking the website to see the next stages of their learning.
Penny Loaves Collective Worship
On Monday every child in school received a loaf of bread for Plough Monday. Diamond Class led the collective worship explaining the tradition of why we are given the loaves. We all learned how people in our community showed compassion and kindness in the past by thinking of, and providing food for those that did not have enough. We all thanked the poor trustees for continuing the tradition. Diamond Class finished the worship with prayers they had written.
Hosanna Rock
Our Christmas production this year was ‘Hosanna Rock’. The children were amazing and the singing outstanding!