Our Crosses

We all chose a place in school that we wanted our crosses to hang. We think they look beautiful and they remind us to think of God whenever we are in school and whatever we are doing.

Poetry Festival

We are looking forward to our Poetry Festival on Monday 20th March. Diamond Class chose their own poems to perform either individually or as a group and have been learning how to perform them with expression. We look forward to seeing their performances!

Book Sale

In the afternoon of World Book Day, we had a second hand book fair. Thank you to everyone that donated books and we hope you all enjoy reading your new books!

Exploring Poetry

This half term, we will be studying poetry in English lessons ready for our poetry festival at the end of term. We all read five poems then analysed their rhyme, rhythm, language, punctuation and meaning. We also explained why the poem was our favourite, learning how to justify our answers. Which poem is you favourite and why?

World Book Day

We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day. We took part in different activities and enjoyed sharing stories with our circles groups.

Celebration Assembly – French

This term we learned about the French tradition of ‘la galette des rois’ (the King’s cake) on 6th January. We also made ‘fortune tellers’ and practised ‘Quelle couleur?’ and ‘quel numero?’ to try them out on each other. We then started practising for our celebration assembly, to show the work we had done on colours, numbers and parts of the body to describe our monsters we had drawn. In the assembly we also sang a song called ‘Bonjour, c’est moi’ with the body parts in and a beautiful song called ‘Enfant de Paix’ (Child of Peace).


Leonardo Da Vinci

As we have been studying maps in Geography, we learned about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci in Art lessons and his mapping skills. We learned how to use sketching pencils to draw and shade maps then produced our own map of a local area of our choice in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci. Some pupils even hid secret codes in theirs, just like Da Vinci would have done.

Can you follow our maps?

Oral Health Educator

Chloe, the oral health educator from Plummers, visited to teach us about the equipment dentists wear and use. We learned why teeth are important, and their names and functions. We also thought about how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing them, by eating healthy and by visiting the dentist.

Leonardo Da Vinci

We learned how Leonardo Da Vinci made anatomical drawings of hands and then used the sketching techniques we hand learned to sketch our own hands in his style. Some of us added annotations to ours just like he would have done.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
