As mathematicians year 2 have been working on capacity and investigating measuring different quantities.
Emerald Class Activities
The Gingerbread Man
We have been learning about traditional tails including The Gingerbread Man. As creators we made gingerbread dough which we have used to make Gingerbread men and help us in our maths.
In RSHE we are learning about relationships and how everyone is unique and special. Reception children thought about what made them special. Here are some examples of their work.
Emerald Class 2D and 3D Shapes
Emerald Class have been mathematicians learning about 2D and 3D shapes, they have learnt about faces, edges and vertices.
Penny Loaves Collective Worship
On Monday every child in school received a loaf of bread for Plough Monday. Diamond Class led the collective worship explaining the tradition of why we are given the loaves. We all learned how people in our community showed compassion and kindness in the past by thinking of, and providing food for those that did not have enough. We all thanked the poor trustees for continuing the tradition. Diamond Class finished the worship with prayers they had written.
This term we have started using ‘Developing Experts’ for our science lessons. The website and activities can be accessed from home and the children have been given a logon.
This week we conducted a taste experiment. The children felt, smelled and tasted apple, lemon, sugar and dark chocolate. Not everyone liked the lemon or the dark chocolate, can you guess who from the pictures?