Mrs Church’s Leaving Assembly

It was a sad day when we all said a fond farewell to Mrs Church, our executive head, as she left to enjoy her retirement. We cannot thank her enough for all she has done for the school and wish her a happy retirement.

Christingle Service

We held our traditional Christingle service at Saint Margaret’s Church Fleggburgh on the last day of term. Diamond Class retold the Christmas story with the help of the Reception children an everyone made their own Christingle.

Christmas Dinner

We all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner. Thank you to Mrs Buckingham for making our delicious lunch.

Bethlehem ‘s Buzzing

The whole school took part in our Christmas performance of Bethlehem ‘s Buzzing. Every pupil had at least one line and everyone said the acting and singing was amazing!

Making Bread

Information Technology Around Us

The Years 1 and 2 have been developing their understanding of what Information Technology (IT) is and discussing where it can be seen. They have explored the benefits of IT in the wider world and role played how devices can work together in familiar places such as shops. They also considered how to use IT safely and discussed the different rules that might be associated with using them.

Parts of a Computer

Reception have been looking at what computers are and how they can be seen all around us. To become more familiar with computers, we have created our own junk model laptops, looked at different inputs and outputs and used some simple drawing apps.

Healthy Science

As scientists, we have been learning about ho to keep ourselves healthy. We learnt that we need a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise to stay healthy. Germs can make us ill so we designed posters to help remind us to practice good hygiene.

In our ‘Circles’ collective worship, we have been discussing these questions:

Pupil voice from circles collective worship groups

When someone behaves badly, how hard do you try to forgive and forget?

  • Ignore annoying behaviour
  • Accept apologies
  • We try hard
  • Could we get house points for forgiving?
  • It can be hard to forgive and forget
  • If they continue, tell and adult
  • Say sorry, even when you haven’t meant to hurt or upset someone

How does school help you to make positive choices?

  • School makes me happy
  • Teachers help us talk things through
  • Reflection time
  • Teachers check we are happy after a conflict
  • Consequences
  • We are helped to talk to each other
  • Teachers listen
  • Help in lessons
  • Having a break from people helps sometimes

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
