Hand Prayers

In collective worship, we worked with a partner to write hand prayers for the Prayer Tree. We read our prayers and thank God in our daily collective worships.

In our ‘Circles’ collective worship, we have been discussing these questions:

Pupil voice from circles collective worship groups

When someone behaves badly, how hard do you try to forgive and forget?

  • Ignore annoying behaviour
  • Accept apologies
  • We try hard
  • Could we get house points for forgiving?
  • It can be hard to forgive and forget
  • If they continue, tell and adult
  • Say sorry, even when you haven’t meant to hurt or upset someone

How does school help you to make positive choices?

  • School makes me happy
  • Teachers help us talk things through
  • Reflection time
  • Teachers check we are happy after a conflict
  • Consequences
  • We are helped to talk to each other
  • Teachers listen
  • Help in lessons
  • Having a break from people helps sometimes

Saint Telemachus

Reverend Andrew visited to lead a collective worship. He told us about the story of Saint Telemachus and we thought about how it is sometimes difficult but always right to stand up for what we believe in.

Our Crosses

We all chose a place in school that we wanted our crosses to hang. We think they look beautiful and they remind us to think of God whenever we are in school and whatever we are doing.

Celebration Assembly – French

This term we learned about the French tradition of ‘la galette des rois’ (the King’s cake) on 6th January. We also made ‘fortune tellers’ and practised ‘Quelle couleur?’ and ‘quel numero?’ to try them out on each other. We then started practising for our celebration assembly, to show the work we had done on colours, numbers and parts of the body to describe our monsters we had drawn. In the assembly we also sang a song called ‘Bonjour, c’est moi’ with the body parts in and a beautiful song called ‘Enfant de Paix’ (Child of Peace).


Collective Worship

Reverend Linda visited us to lead a collective worship about Candlemas. We learned about how Jesus was presented at the temple 40 days after his birth. We look forward to welcoming Reverend Linda back late in the term for more collective worship.

Plough Monday

Monday 17th January saw the celebration of Plough Monday take place in the afternoon collective worship. Mr Tibbenham and Judy Pritchard attended from the Poor Trustees and church, and presented every child with a loaf of bread. The pupils led prayers and explained the unique tradition. We wish to thank them for our bread!

Christingle Service

Working with partners, we all made our Christingles and then Year 6 led our Christingle service in school on the last morning of term. Rev Steven closed the service with a reflection and prayer. We celebrated the meaning of the Christingle and Emerald class wrote and read their own prayers.

Celebration Assembly

The school community came together on Friday to celebrate our learning from last half term. We presented all our Stone Age learning led by two Year Six pupils. They wrote our end prayer too.

Dear God,
Thank you for our fabulous learning and teachers that continue to teach us wonderfully every day. Thank you for all the beautiful pupils in our school that love to learn.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
