Making Scones               

We worked in mixed age groups to make potato scones for the harvest festival. We carefully followed the recipe adding milk, butter, flour, baking powder and cheese. When they were baked we shared them with our families. Elsie thought they were delicious. Levi said, “They were good.”

Easter Service

There was a crowded church for our Easter service. We all celebrated the rebirth of Christ with two presentations about the Easter bonnets both classes made and through our singing of hymns.

We learned about the significance of Easter in the Christian year and took time to reflect on our year so far.

Penny Loaves Collective Worship

On Monday every child in school received a loaf of bread for Plough Monday. Diamond Class led the collective worship explaining the tradition of why we are given the loaves. We all learned how people in our community showed compassion and kindness in the past by thinking of, and providing food for those that did not have enough. We all thanked the poor trustees for continuing the tradition. Diamond Class finished the worship with prayers they had written.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
