Save Water
On Tuesday the 30th of November, Essex and Suffolk Water sent their Super Splash Heroes into school to talk to the children about saving water. Three super heroes taught the children how precious water is and the simple things they can do to help save it, like turning off the tap when they are brushing their teeth. Everyone loved the fun-packed show which was followed up by an exciting quiz.
Harvest Festival
Wednesday the 17th of October was Harvest Festival for all in Fleggburgh School. The theme for our harvest festival this year was foraging.
The festival began with small groups of children from Reception to Year 6 making fruit crumbles ready for harvest tea. Everyone worked well together as a team and it was lovely to see the older pupils encouraging and supporting the younger pupils to take part.
In the afternoon we carried our boxes up to Fleggburgh St. Margaret’s Church, which was full of our parents, family and the village community, and placed them at the altar. We had a talk and blessing from Father Simon who led the harvest service. Emerald Class talked about the different vegetables that grow in this country and Diamond Class explained how we used to forage for food in the stone-age and how we still forage for fruit today.
We all then returned to school for a wonderful afternoon tea of our fruit crumbles. They tasted yummy!
Cross Country Competition
On Friday the 12th October, a mix of sixteen children from Emerald and Diamond Class travelled to Fairhaven Primary School to represent the school in the Acle Cluster cross country event.
Year 1/2 ran 625 metres, Year 3/4 ran 925 metres and Year 5/6 ran 1225 metres around a large field. Mrs Yassin and Miss Wollington cheered us on and whilst we didn’t win any medals, they said they were very proud of our efforts. We all ran our hardest, against very strong winds, and everyone of us ran the whole distance.