Plough Monday

Monday 17th January saw the celebration of Plough Monday take place in the afternoon collective worship. Mr Tibbenham and Judy Pritchard attended from the Poor Trustees and church, and presented every child with a loaf of bread. The pupils led prayers and explained the unique tradition. We wish to thank them for our bread!

Christingle Service

Working with partners, we all made our Christingles and then Year 6 led our Christingle service in school on the last morning of term. Rev Steven closed the service with a reflection and prayer. We celebrated the meaning of the Christingle and Emerald class wrote and read their own prayers.

Celebration Assembly

The school community came together on Friday to celebrate our learning from last half term. We presented all our Stone Age learning led by two Year Six pupils. They wrote our end prayer too.

Dear God,
Thank you for our fabulous learning and teachers that continue to teach us wonderfully every day. Thank you for all the beautiful pupils in our school that love to learn.

Collective Worship – A Visit from the Rotary Club

Jacqui Fiddy from the Rotary Club came to our Friday collective worship to talk to us all about the charitable works they do. They kindly presented every Year 6 with their own dictionary from the Rotary Club. We would like to thank them!

Collective Worship – Our Core Value of Responsibility

Our core value this half term is responsibility. We worked with partners to write a prayer to God and hung them on our prayer tree. Every collective worship, we pray to God using our prayer tree prayers. We also always say the Lord’s Prayer.

Open the Book – Joseph

Joseph and his Brothers: Open the Book told us the story of Joseph and his brothers. We heard how their jealousy led them to send their brother away. He then became important and when they needed help he was there for them.

Remembrance Assembly

The whole school met together for collective worship on Friday 11th November to remember Armistice Day. We thought about why and how we remember the day and observe the two-minute silence. We finished with a prayer and the Lord’s prayer.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
