Executive Headteacher’s Weekly Letter

Dear All,

The sun is certainly shining on us. It is going to be a week for sun hats and sun cream and hopefully paddling pools and fresh air.

You will still need to keep up with your home learning so keeping looking at the activities your teachers are setting you. If you are in a good routine, keep going. If you need a new routine, you could try this one:

If you need your teacher’s help with any aspect of your home learning, your parents will know how to contact them. We are all here to help you even though we can’t be with you.

Mrs Collins, at Salhouse, has shared the wonderful resource below. Coronavirus has been a global pandemic. People all around the world have needed to take the same or similar steps as we have, to keep their families healthy and safe.

Finding out about the lives of people in and from different parts of the world is fascinating. I think you might like dipping into this virtual library. Take a look.


Have a great week,

Mrs Church

Executive Headteacher’s Weekly Letter

15th June 2020

Dear Everyone,

I hope you continue to be happy and safe. It has been lovely to welcome some of you back to school. We are sad that we cannot have you all back to school but we know we need to be sensible and follow the advice the government are giving us.

Thank you to those who joined the ZOOM last week. It was a bit too crazy and I am sure you couldn’t hear me but at least it was good to see so many familiar faces. More than 90 of you joined in, thank you!  Next time I will need to mute you all but ‘crazy’ is okay once in a while! I know your teachers are planning some smaller ZOOM meetings which will work so much better.

Those of you who have been in school will know what it is like and how it has changed. Those of you who haven’t might like to watch the video below which gives you an idea of some of the changes.

Enjoy the sunshine and get lots of fresh air if you can. You all deserve a medal for the way you have coped with the changes to your usual routines.

I never stop thinking of you all.

Keep smiling,
Mrs Church

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
