Home learning tasks can be found on Google classroom

Recent Activities

Making Waves

Listening to water themed music, Emerald Class used their knowledge of different lines to create an underwater scene. We all had an area of paper to work on, connecting it to each other’s lines to make one big water picture.


Using chalk, black card and string, Emerald Class investigated different lines. We experimented with cross-hatch, diagonal, horizontal, vertical and wavy lines. They, we placed out work together to create big, line drawing collages.

Let’s Celebrate!

The whole school celebrated all the wonderful achievements over the last four weeks in school. Pupils recieved certificates for English and Maths work and for following our values. We also gave out our ‘Soar on Wings’ trophy to those that had ‘Soared’! 

It was lovely to celebrate all the achievements of pupils out of school too.

Soar on Wings

We take inspiration from Isaiah 40:31, “They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not be faint.” to ‘Soar on Wings’ in our school. We all worked together in our circle groups to think about what this means for us. We presented our thoughts in lots of different ways. Can you ‘Soar on Wings’?

Summer Reading Challenge

A librarian for Great Yarmouth Library visited us to present the pupils who had completed the Summer Reading       Challenge with their medal and certificate. An amazing 28 pupils completed the challenge! We are so proud of them.

World Book Day

Everyone in school celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a book and sharing that book with their House group. They also wrote a book review recommending why others should read the book.

Investigating Algorithms

By breaking down a story into individual elements and rearranging them , the Reception children have learned the importance of following a sequence. They have used this computational thinking process to understand the order of stories and rhymes.

Robot Algorithms

The Years 1 and 2 have been using commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. They also learned about designing in programs, designing their own algorithms as programs and debugging them.


In Sapphire Class we worked together to select, rehearse and perform our own group poems. We worked together in small groups and had to think carefully about how we would use our voices, changing the speed, tone and volume of our voices to put on a good performance! We then performed these confidently at the poetry festival and reflected on how our performances went.

Sense of Smell

In our Senses topic, we used spices and herbs to explore our sense of smell. 

We took turns to smell the herbs and spices and then described what they reminded us of.

Iria said, “Cinnamon reminds me of Christmas.”

Ivy said, “Ginger makes me think about gingerbread men.”

Xach said, “This smells spicy like curry.”

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
