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Recent Activities

English Rhyming Words

In English we have been learning about rhyming words. As a class we followed the story Zog by Julia Donaldson and filled in the missing rhyming words to complete the sentences.

Forest School/Outdoor learning

We have been learning about poetry in English. During our forest school session we used natural objects found in the garden as inspiration for a poem. Everyone chose their favourite object and contributed to our shared poems. We hope you enjoy reading them.

Reception children wrote,
In our garden
I found a beautiful leaf.
I have a chippy stick.
I have found a cold stick.
I have found a soft stick.
I have found a crunchy leaf, a rough stick and a bumpy stick.
I have found a really bumpy stick and some really really soft grass.

Eryn, Valentine and Ava-May wrote,
In the garden I see
Beautiful catkins hanging from the tree.
I hear lush blue-tits singing sweet songs.
Clear fresh air.
I can feel the wind in my hair.
The dark brown hazel.

Dorothy and Ethan wrote,
In the garden I see
Brown hard bark.
I can hear birds tweeting in their nests.
I can smell damp green grass.
I can feel wind in my hair.
I can feel crunchy leaves.

Year 1 group 1 wrote,
In my garden
I like the feel of the long green grass.
I like how the acorn is soft inside and crunchy outside.
I like how the stick is bendy and so soft and I like my stick because it sparkles in the sun.
I like my pine one because it feels bumpy.
I like looking at my stone because it has pretty patterns on it and it’s smooth.
I like the blossom because it is pretty and smells nice.

Year 1 group 2 wrote,
In my garden
I like my smooth stick.
I like listening to crunchy leaves.
I like the fluffy green leaf.
I like my pine one it looks brown and feels spikey.
I like the rocks it looks lumpy and feels hard.

Collective Worship

Reverend Linda visited us to lead a collective worship about Candlemas. We learned about how Jesus was presented at the temple 40 days after his birth. We look forward to welcoming Reverend Linda back late in the term for more collective worship.

Travelling in Gymnastics

Year 1 and 2 have been learning to safely carry and use the gymnastic apparatus. Linking to their history topic on travelling, we have been looking at how animals travel in different ways. They have learned to travel safely at different speeds and levels, and combine contrasting actions to make short routines.


This term is computing, the Reception children have been focusing on the importance of sequencing by breaking down popular tales and rearranging them. We have learned that stories or events are better told in chronological order and algorithms help us achieve this in computing.

Emerald Class Forest Schools

In Forest School, we have been learning about how to keep safe around the fire. We enjoyed roasted marshmallows and warm berry juice while listening to stories. We learnt that before there were books some stories would have been told and past down around the fire.

Emerald Class RE

During our R.E lesson we looked at the significance of Shabbat artefacts. We drew and described the different  artefacts in our books.

Emerald Class History

In History Emerald Class have been learning about the Wright brothers and the invention of the aeroplane. We have been comparing the old model plane to a modern plane.

Reception Phonics

Reception have been doing Read Write Inc Phonics, learning sounds, words and reading books consistent with their phonic knowledge.

Emerald Class Dentist Visit

We had a visit from the ‘Dental Nurse’. We have been learning how to keep our teeth and gums healthy. We looked at what foods and drinks were good and bad for our teeth. We also were shown how to brush our teeth properly and for how long.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
