Emerald Class
Mrs Yassin teaches Emerald class. The support staff who work with Emerald class are Miss Theobald and Ms Stevens.
Recent Activities
Working with partners, we all made our Christingles and then Year 6 led our Christingle service in school on the last morning of term. Rev Steven closed the service with a reflection and prayer. We celebrated the meaning of the Christingle and Emerald class wrote and read their own prayers.
Today in reading comprehension reception read the book’ Peace at last’. We then had to think about what noises we could hear in the morning and at night.
Jacob said, “I am happiest when I am at a beach finding treasure.”
Eryn said, “She is kind and friendly they are her best qualities.“
Iria said, “Everyone would think the same.”
Amy said, “She is cheeky, happy and kind.”
Today in science we have been scientists. We have been looking at our eyes and how they work using scientific names for the parts of our eyes.
Reception also did a tally chart of all the people in the class to see what their eye colours were.
We are learning about Judaism.Valentine said,”The Jewish creation story is the same as the Christian one”.
Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest.” People don’t even do their homework on Shabbat!”said Freddie
“People have a nice meal together “said Jack
We are learning about Travel and Transport. We made our own Viking long boat.
William said, “They were made of wood.”
Jacob said, “They were very long!”
Elsie knew that they put their shields along the side of the ship.
In RSHE, we are learning about relationships. We have been thinking about our similarities and differences by sharing which toys and books we prefer.
We looked at ‘The Avenue in Schloss Kammer Park’ and considered how it made us feel and what we could see in the picture.
We looked at ‘Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer’ and made our own versions.
Emerald class have been getting festive doing lots of Christmas crafts leading up to the end of December.
We have made:
Puppets of Santa and Mrs Claws, reindeers, snowmen and gingerbread men.
Stand up Santa cards
Christmas village paper scenes
And Christmas cards.
This half term Emerald Class have been learning different ways to dance. We have been doing this by pretending to be different types of toys!
As Jack in the Boxes we danced a duet using act and react, with one child acting as the Jack in the Box and the other reacting to its movements. As Morph, we used our bodies to show a playdough man being made with many different changes in height and speed. And as clockwork toys, we listened to the beat and rhythm of music and moved in different ways as we pretended to be a clockwork band.