Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. Â In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.

Recent Activities
In computing the y5/6 explored what was meant by ‘animation’. We looked at different historical types of animation      including a Zoetrope, Thaumatrope and flipbook, and found them to be single pictures that combine to make them      move. We had great fun attempting to make our own Thaumatropes.
In collective worship, we worked with a partner to write hand prayers for the Prayer Tree. We read our prayers and thank God in our daily collective worships.

The whole school brought in coins to see if they could cover Pudsey Bear to raise money for Children in Need. We nearly covered him and raised an amazing ÂŁ117 for the charity.

Using provided coding blocks, Y3/4 matched an algorithm (of a previously played game) to create their own versions. We had lots of interesting themed games with a good variation of sprites and backgrounds.

Year 5/6 have been learning about different emotions they may experience as they grow older. To help manage these, they made their own emotion bottles using different items for different emotions.

Every enjoyed our second celebration collective worship of the year as there was so much for us to be proud of. Well done to those pupils who have worked hard in lessons to receive a certificate and also well done to our ‘Soar on Wings’ winners.

We all said a fond goodbye to Mrs Eagle and we wish her well in her new job.

The Year 4s have been exploring different ways of working out the area of a chape. We discovered that, using sticky notes, we could make lots of different shapes and still have the same area.

The Whole school community met together at our church to celebrate Harvest Festival with Reverend Phil. We sang hymns and thanked God for all the wonderful things in our world. Our harvest produce was donated to Martham food bank.

In DT Year 5 and 6 explored different tastes and categorised food in to their different flavours and found which flavours complimented each other. They then used this knowledge to research and design their own main meal using either peppers or salmon for their star ingredient.
We enjoyed making them with the help of Mrs Buckingham in the kitchen, and very, very much enjoyed tasting and evaluating them.