Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.
Recent Activities
Diamond Class are reading ‘Kiki Kallira breaks a kingdom’ and used the book as inspiration for their harvest festival service. It was set in Kiki’s sketched world of Mysore in India.
The class researched food in Mysore, wrote a piece for the harvest service and created a picture to illustrate the food. They really enjoyed making bondas’ an Indian potato snack and trying the sweets Mysore Pak and jalebis.
In science, we investigated Peppered Moths. They used to be with black dots, but as their environment became more dirty from pollution, they have adapted to become black so that birds cannot find them and eat them. We made some dotted moths and some black moths and hid them in an area of the playground for our partners to find.
Jamie has very kindly set up and is running chess club on a Friday lunchtime for Diamond Class. The first one was all about the moves you can play and was a great success. Thank you Jamie.