Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. Â In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.

Recent Activities
We compared the UK to a non-European country, in this case, the Caribbean. Pupils compared fruits that grow there, beaches, weather and animals. We considered if we would like to visit the Caribbean or maybe even live there one day.
We used an atlas to find the names of the countries and main cities of the UK. Some pupils took on the additional challenge of using compass directions to navigate from one city to another.
In the autumn term we learned about reversible and irreversible changes. We discovered iron rusts and considered ways to protect an iron nail. We enjoyed the practical aspects of this topic and liked experimenting with different substances, predicting what might happen and then observing the results carefully.
Our second autumn science topic was space. We learned about the planets in our solar system and chose planets to research. We learned about the phases of the moon and why we see the moon differently over the course of a month.Â
Our spring science topic is about humans and other animals. We looked at how to keep healthy and learned how to read nutrition labels on food packaging. We looked at the school lunch menu to check if the meals are balanced and designed a healthy menu for Mrs Yassin.
It was a sad day when we all said a fond farewell to Mrs Church, our executive head, as she left to enjoy her retirement. We cannot thank her enough for all she has done for the school and wish her a happy retirement.
We held our traditional Christingle service at Saint Margaret’s Church Fleggburgh on the last day of term. Diamond Class retold the Christmas story with the help of the Reception children an everyone made their own Christingle.
Diamond Class had a great afternoon Christmas party – playing pass the parcel and carrying out forfeits for the prizes. Great fun was had by all!
We were all really excited when Father Christmas came to visit on the last day of term. The children were very grateful for their lovely presents.
We all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner. Thank you to Mrs Buckingham for making our delicious lunch.
The whole school took part in our Christmas performance of Bethlehem ‘s Buzzing. Every pupil had at least one line and everyone said the acting and singing was amazing!
We designed and hand stitched our Christmas cards for our families. First, we made our designs then we punched holes in to our card where we needed to sew. The sewing was difficult but the end products we thought were beautiful!