Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.
Recent Activities
Diamond Class visited the Castle Museum Norwich to learn all about the Romans. We had to decide whether we voted for the Celtic life or for the changes that the Romans brought. What would you have voted for?
The children looked at key events in British history and considered when they may have happened. They then worked with a partner to arrange the events on a timeline, looking carefully at the dates.
In Year 5 and Year 6 we have been learning about prefixes and suffixes in our spelling lessons then ensuring we use words containing them in all our writing.
We all had a warm welcome to this, our first forest school lesson this year. We started with a tennis ball game to enhance our listening skills and discussed the group rules on how to keep ourselves and the environment safe, and how to help ourselves and others achieve.
Our activities included creating a stick journey by winding coloured braids and objects we picked up around a stick and used a sound map to help us pinpoint the sounds we could hear around us.
Diamond Class are learning about the Norfolk Broads. Today they researched birds of the area. Cora said she has seen a bittern and a kingfisher before. We listened to the boom that a bittern makes on the ‘Norfolk Wildlife Trust‘ website.
Pupil voice from circles collective worship groups
When someone behaves badly, how hard do you try to forgive and forget?
- Ignore annoying behaviour
- Accept apologies
- We try hard
- Could we get house points for forgiving?
- It can be hard to forgive and forget
- If they continue, tell and adult
- Say sorry, even when you haven’t meant to hurt or upset someone
How does school help you to make positive choices?
- School makes me happy
- Teachers help us talk things through
- Reflection time
- Teachers check we are happy after a conflict
- Consequences
- We are helped to talk to each other
- Teachers listen
- Help in lessons
- Having a break from people helps sometimes
Reverend Andrew visited to lead a collective worship. He told us about the story of Saint Telemachus and we thought about how it is sometimes difficult but always right to stand up for what we believe in.
We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Thompson from Filby Post Office for their very kind donation of £500 from the proceeds of their Charity Shed for our outdoor play equipment and reflection area. This will really help us to quickly purchase all we need.
Thank you!
This week in Forest Schools we continued exploring Ancient Egypt though different activities. We learned how to use a ‘clove hitch’, which is an ancient type of knot, to make our own miniature tripod pyramids. We were given sheets of Egyptian Hieroglyphics so we could work out how to write our own names. We also had one that Stacey had created for us to decipher. We learned how to ‘whittle’ wood into points using a potato peeler. We all listened very carefully to the rules and some of us used them to write our Egyptian name in clay.
We all chose a place in school that we wanted our crosses to hang. We think they look beautiful and they remind us to think of God whenever we are in school and whatever we are doing.