Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.
Recent Activities
As we have been studying maps in Geography, we learned about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci in Art lessons and his mapping skills. We learned how to use sketching pencils to draw and shade maps then produced our own map of a local area of our choice in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci. Some pupils even hid secret codes in theirs, just like Da Vinci would have done.
Can you follow our maps?
Chloe, the oral health educator from Plummers, visited to teach us about the equipment dentists wear and use. We learned why teeth are important, and their names and functions. We also thought about how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing them, by eating healthy and by visiting the dentist.
We learned how Leonardo Da Vinci made anatomical drawings of hands and then used the sketching techniques we hand learned to sketch our own hands in his style. Some of us added annotations to ours just like he would have done.
Reverend Linda visited us to lead a collective worship about Candlemas. We learned about how Jesus was presented at the temple 40 days after his birth. We look forward to welcoming Reverend Linda back late in the term for more collective worship.
This term in gymnastics, the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children have been using their bodies to create shapes which represent Ancient Egyptian icons and themes. Both individually and working in groups, they have learned to combine their gymnastic skills and historical knowledge to create and perform a sequence of Egyptian actions and balances.
In computing this term, the Year 3 and 4s have been developing strategies for finding errors in programs. They have looked at some of the different types of bugs found in coding and have learned that collaboration and resilience is key to finding and correcting these types of problems.
What a wonderful time Year 5 and 6 had on residential to How Hill. They learned how to dissect an owl pellet and what owls eat, and how to analyse the quality of the water in the broads. They learned what animal life there is on the broads and at How Hill from a boat trip, from dyke dipping and from setting animal camera traps. They also learned how to read a compass and completed some complicated orienteering courses. The pupils were amazing and we hope to return to How Hill to learn more about our broads in the summer.
Monday 17th January saw the celebration of Plough Monday take place in the afternoon collective worship. Mr Tibbenham and Judy Pritchard attended from the Poor Trustees and church, and presented every child with a loaf of bread. The pupils led prayers and explained the unique tradition. We wish to thank them for our bread!
Santa visited on the last day of term and delivered us all a wonderful present. We then had a lovely party.
Thank you Santa!
We learned how to use paper folding, cutting and sewing skills to design and make our Christmas Cards this year. Some of us found the sewing difficult but we persevered and we think they looked amazing!