Pupils have a daily dedicated mathematics lesson from Reception through to Year 6. Consistency and continuity is ensured through the adoption of the schemes of learning published by White Rose Mathematics. Teachers are supported to plan effectively, producing lessons incorporating fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Lessons are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. The White Rose schemes are complemented with additional resources which reinforce reasoning and problem solving. The school has a Calculation Policy which is adhered to when teaching formal methods, understanding that sometimes children find their own efficient methods along the way. Teachers adapt the long term plan to fit their class’s specific needs, term lengths and moderation and assessment requirements.
Mathematics lessons are designed with a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach, providing our pupils with the scaffolding required to access the learning at all levels. We place an emphasis on pupil engagement and metacognition. Lessons are designed to encourage pupil engagement through careful using questioning and modelling. Groupings and learning styles are varied in order to engage pupils and create an accessible curriculum.
Termly assessments using Rising Stars material enable teachers to monitor progress and carry out gaps analysis and misconceptions. This assessment data is used to inform teacher assessment and planning. Key stage 2 classes make use of ‘early work’ to revisit areas previously covered, time is also provided to practise times tables regularly in order to build confidence and develop quick recall of these facts. Throughout school, children make regular use of Doodle maths software both in class and at home to help build on and apply their skills. Carefully planned weekly home learning activities support parents to support their children’s learning.