Helping Your Child

Family life is wonderful when things are running smoothly but it can be tough when families face challenges. We will want to support you and your children at school. Please talk to us if you believe it might help. There are so many  organisations in our community who are ready to support your family. You need never feel like you are on your own. 

Visit   to find out about: 

  • Childcare and Early Learning 
  • Children’s centres 
  • Early Help and the Family Support Process 
  • Children’s Health and Welbeing 
  • Children’s Safety 
  • Children in Care 
  • Foster care 
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability 
  • Activities for Children locally 

What is early help and family support? 

If you are experiencing difficulties in your family or are worried about your children, there are people who can offer help and support. Difficulties could be: 

  • Mental health problems 
  • Domestic abuse at home 
  • Drug or alcohol dependency 
  • Your child not going to school 
  • Struggling as a lone parent 
  • Debt problems 
  • Housing problems 

If you need more help than your usual support network – for example your health visitor, child’s school, doctor or the Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS) – the family support process can help. 

Follow this link to find out more

There are some really helpful videos to be found at

which is a free video service designed to support and encourage parents and carers of children from ages 0-19, with a collection of over 200 videos addressing day-to-day questions and concerns spanning wellbeing, behaviour and learning. In producing these videos, the makers have engaged experts and parents every step of the way. 

Organisations supporting families 


In the UK, the police receive a domestic abuse related call every minute and two women are killed each week as a result of domestic abuse. Leeway provide a range of services to help anyone affected by domestic abuse. 

Nelsons Journey 

Nelsons Journey are a Norfolk charity that supports children and young people up to their 18th birthday who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. They provide a range of support, appropriate for the needs of each child or young person. This may include one-to-one support and opportunities to meet others their age who have also experienced a bereavement. 

Norfolk LGBT project 

Providing support that is relevant to the health and wellbeing needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender + community in Norfolk and Waveney since 2007 

Point 1 

Point1 offer professional support for infants, children and young people experiencing the early signs of mental health and emotional problems. 

Anyone can find themselves looking after someone else at any time – whether it happens gradually as an elderly relative becomes frailer or more suddenly following an accident or when a friend or family member is discharged from hospital. Norfolk Family Carers offer practical and emotional support for carers at all stages of their caring journey. 

Matthew Project 

Drug and alcohol service for children, young people and their families across Norfolk; for those using substances themselves or affected by someone else’s substance misuse. 

Norfolk Early Help and Family Focus 

If you are experiencing difficulties in your family or are worried about your children, there are people who can offer help and support. Difficulties could be: 

Mental health problems 

Domestic abuse at home 

Drug or alcohol dependency 

Your child not going to school 

Struggling as a lone parent 

Debt problems 

Housing problems 

If you need more help than your usual support network – for example your health visitor, child’s school, doctor or Children’s Centre – the family support process can help. 


MAP provides counselling and mental health support for young people age 11-25 from our drop-in centres in Norwich and Great Yarmouth and in schools and community bases around Norfolk. All of our services are free, confidential and carried out by professionals trained in youth counselling and youth mental health. 


In the UK, the police receive a domestic abuse related call every minute and two women are killed each week as a result of domestic abuse. Leeway provide a range of services to help anyone affected by domestic abuse. 

Nelsons Journey 

Nelsons Journey are a Norfolk charity that supports children and young people up to their 18th birthday who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. They provide a range of support, appropriate for the needs of each child or young person. This may include one-to-one support and opportunities to meet others their age who have also experienced a bereavement. 

Norfolk LGBT project 

Providing support that is relevant to the health and wellbeing needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender + community in Norfolk and Waveney since 2007 

Point 1 

Point1 offer professional support for infants, children and young people experiencing the early signs of mental health and emotional problems. 

Anyone can find themselves looking after someone else at any time – whether it happens gradually as an elderly relative becomes frailer or more suddenly following an accident or when a friend or family member is discharged from hospital. Norfolk Family Carers offer practical and emotional support for carers at all stages of their caring journey. 

Matthew Project 

Drug and alcohol service for children, young people and their families across Norfolk; for those using substances themselves or affected by someone else’s substance misuse. 

Helping Hands 

Our Family Support team offer a bespoke package of support based on your family’s needs. This could range from Benefit advice, educational issues to support and advice around behavioural issues. This service is open to anyone affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) regardless of: 

Stage of diagnosis 



Condition on the Autism Spectrum

Norfolk Early Help and Family Focus 

If you are experiencing difficulties in your family or are worried about your children, there are people who can offer help and support. Difficulties could be: 

Mental health problems 

Domestic abuse at home 

Drug or alcohol dependency 

Your child not going to school 

Struggling as a lone parent 

Debt problems 

Housing problems 

If you need more help than your usual support network – for example your health visitor, child’s school, doctor or Children’s Centre – the family support process can help. 


MAP provides counselling and mental health support for young people age 11-25 from our drop-in centres in Norwich and Great Yarmouth and in schools and community bases around Norfolk. All of our services are free, confidential and carried out by professionals trained in youth counselling and youth mental health. 


In the UK, the police receive a domestic abuse related call every minute and two women are killed each week as a result of domestic abuse. Leeway provide a range of services to help anyone affected by domestic abuse. 

Nelsons Journey 

Nelsons Journey are a Norfolk charity that supports children and young people up to their 18th birthday who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. They provide a range of support, appropriate for the needs of each child or young person. This may include one-to-one support and opportunities to meet others their age who have also experienced a bereavement. 

Norfolk LGBT project 

Providing support that is relevant to the health and wellbeing needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender + community in Norfolk and Waveney since 2007 


Point 1 

Point1 offer professional support for infants, children and young people experiencing the early signs of mental health and emotional problems. 

Anyone can find themselves looking after someone else at any time – whether it happens gradually as an elderly relative becomes frailer or more suddenly following an accident or when a friend or family member is discharged from hospital. Norfolk Family Carers offer practical and emotional support for carers at all stages of their caring journey. 


Matthew Project 

Drug and alcohol service for children, young people and their families across Norfolk; for those using substances themselves or affected by someone else’s substance misuse. 


Helping Hands 

Our Family Support team offer a bespoke package of support based on your family’s needs. This could range from Benefit advice, educational issues to support and advice around behavioural issues. This service is open to anyone affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) regardless of: 

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
