Special Educational Needs

Welcome to the SEND section of our website. My name is Ms Choo Chean Laband and I am the SENCO across the Neatishead, Salhouse & Fleggburgh Federation.

At Fleggburgh Primary, pupils with SEND make up approximately 28% of our school. We are an inclusive school and we offer a range of provision to support all children, including those with SEND. How we achieve this is described in detail in our SEND Policy & Information Report (below) but please feel free to make an appointment to speak to me or Mrs Sonnex if you would like to find out more. 

I can be contacted via the school office or via email: claband@nsffederation.norfolk.sch.uk Also on this page you will find information about the Norfolk Local Offer & services that are available for parents and carers of children with SEND.

Your child’s class teacher will always be your first port of call should you have any concerns about your child’s learning. Other key people in relation to SEND are:

Mrs Hayley Sonnex – Executive Headteacher

Mrs Ingrid Rounce: Head of School and designated teacher for Looked After Children (LAC)

Ms Choo Chean Laband – SENCO

Mrs Sarah Organ – SEND Governor

We are also supported by a range of different agencies. There is more information about this in our SEND Policy & Information Report.

Our SEND Policy sets out our vision for SEND whereas the SEND Information Report details how our policy is put into action. We have designed our Policy & Information Report to be as user friendly as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

At Neatishead, we use a website called Provision Map. Children that are on our SEN Register have a SEN plan that is regularly reviewed. We use Provision Map as part of our ‘assess, plan, do & review’ process which allows us to set meaningful targets for children and regularly review the provision they receive.


Please find below a link to our accessibility policy:

Schools across the county are receiving an increasing number of requests for Autism and ADHD referrals. Listed below you will find a ‘Federation Fact Sheet’ that states the types of assessments that exist, waiting times and who is able to refer. You will also find Local Authority advice on private assessments as well as screeners that you may be asked to complete as part of the referral process.

A Local Offer gives children and young people with SEND, and their families, information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making sure it is available for everyone to see.

The link to the Norfolk Local Offer is here: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/children-and-families/send-local-offer

Norfolk have also made a document that lists services that families may find useful and that can be found here:

Family Voice:
Their aim is to improve services for our children and young people by ensuring that families’ voices are heard by planners and decision-makers.

Information, advice and support to children, young people and parents/carers about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

They have some useful booklets that can be downloaded here:

SENDIASS also publish a regular newsletter than can be found here:

Norfolk SEN Network:
Their aim is to help parents of children with special educational needs (0 to 16), and young people themselves with special educational needs (16 to 25), to find the right educational placement or provision to meet their needs.

Just One Norfolk: NHS health advice website for families with young children to help parents quickly gain the information needed to ensure children live healthy lifestyles. https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/

Early Helphttps://www.norfolk.gov.uk/article/40407/Early-help-for-children-and-families

Family Hubs: Family Hubs provide a place for you to access advice on how to take care of your child and ensure they are safe and healthy throughout their childhood and as they grow and develop. They are online and in person. https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/familyhubs

School & Communities Teamshttps://www.schools.norfolk.gov.uk/schoolandcommunityteams

Child mental health support: All referrals are now done via the Just One Number website. These can be done by parents or professionals. https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/emotional-health/norfolk-waveney-access-to-mental-health-advice-support/

Speech & Language support Norfolkhttps://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/speech-language/

Young Carershttps://www.norfolk.gov.uk/youngcarers

Supporting your Neurodiverse Child: A guide written by Essex County Council in collaboration with the NHS, local support services and parents of neurodiverse children. It includes info about:

  • Different types of neurodiversity
  • Early intervention and diagnosis
  • Education
  • Day to day life with a neurodiverse child
  • Speech & language
  • Sensory needs
  • Emotional regulation
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Growing up


The Puffins Parent Programme: A parenting support programme for parents and carers of children/young people aged 5-19 years who have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The programme is delivered by staff from the Norfolk Community Health & Care Neurodevelopmental Service.


Norfolk County Council SEND e-learning course: Designed to support the professional development of those who work in SEND in Norfolk but also a useful tool for parents, carers and anyone who is interested in developing their knowledge of SEND.


Psychology in school’s workshops: The Norfolk & Suffolk NHS psychology in schools team run a program of parent workshops throughout the year to provide up to date advice and guidance on how parents and carers can support the young people in their life.

All the workshops are recorded for you to watch at any time. Example workshops include building resilience, parenting an anxious child, supporting your child to attend school and understanding trauma etc. 


Sunshine Support: A consultancy and support group, based in Derby, that runs regular online webinars on many aspects of SEND. Please note that there is a cost associated with attending the webinars.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
