WW2 Silhouettes

Inspired by images from WW2, Diamond Class learned how to create a backwash and cut images from black paper to create city war scenes. The final images were dramatic and thought provoking.


Linked to our Circus topic, Diamond Class studied ‘Circus’ by the artist Joan Miro learning about surrealism and Miro’s style. They then created their own Circus piece of art work using surrealism techniques. They also learned how to model 3D images using polystyrene shapes and wire and recreated scenes from their art work in 3D form.

History and Art

We looked at a picture by Alan Moore and were inspired to make our own class version. Each pupil made a plane, carefully studying designs of real planes at that time.

The Colours of Us

We learned how to make our own portraits. We read the book ‘The Colours of Us’ and found out that there are a vast range of skin tones. We then learned how to draw the proportions of the face and were given the task to mix the tone to match our own skin using just red, blue, yellow, black and white paints. 

Great Fire of London

We learned about portraits and used our skills to reproduce a sketch of Samuel Pepys. We learned about the Great Fire of London, and read parts of the diary written by Samuel Pepys to find out what happened to people living in London during the fire.

During our Great Fire of London topic, we found out about life in the 17th century. We learned that buildings were made of wood with thatched roofs, which is why they burned so easily. We then compared them to modern buildings in London.

Forest Schools – Self Portraits

As part of our autobiography work, we all made our self-portraits using natural materials from the outdoors. Do you think they look like us?

Leonardo Da Vinci

As we have been studying maps in Geography, we learned about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci in Art lessons and his mapping skills. We learned how to use sketching pencils to draw and shade maps then produced our own map of a local area of our choice in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci. Some pupils even hid secret codes in theirs, just like Da Vinci would have done.

Can you follow our maps?

Leonardo Da Vinci

We learned how Leonardo Da Vinci made anatomical drawings of hands and then used the sketching techniques we hand learned to sketch our own hands in his style. Some of us added annotations to ours just like he would have done.

We looked at the painting ‘The Sunflower’ by Klimt.

We painted our own flower garden in the style of Klimt. We had to decide which flowers we liked and what we would include in our own garden.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
