Drawing Shapes

We have been using click and drag to change the size and position of shapes. By choosing our background colour and changing the colour and size of our shapes, we created artwork in the style of Wassily Kandinsky.

Theme Music

The Year 5/6 created a soundtrack around the theme of ‘space’. First, they planned their ideas by discussing what they think about when they hear the word ‘space’ then decided what sounds would go with them. We had a good variation of pitch, rhythm, tempo and timber with all of them sounding completely different.

Using Loops

In computing the Year 3/4s explored the use of loops in their programming. They worked really hard to create blocks of code containing loops to play some musical notes. We had lots of fun listening to everyone’s musical creations.

Investigating Algorithms

By breaking down a story into individual elements and rearranging them , the Reception children have learned the importance of following a sequence. They have used this computational thinking process to understand the order of stories and rhymes.

Robot Algorithms

The Years 1 and 2 have been using commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. They also learned about designing in programs, designing their own algorithms as programs and debugging them.

Systems and Searching

This term the Years 5 and 6 have been developing their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. They have discovered how information is found on the World Wide Web, what influences searching, how results are selected and ranked, and the similarities and differences of individual search engines.

Connecting Computers

This term the Years 3 and 4 have been developing their understanding of digital devices. They have compared digital and non-digital devices and discussed the relationship between inputs, processes and outputs. They have also looked at computer networks, including devices that make up a network infrastructure, such as wireless access points and switches.

Information Technology Around Us

The Years 1 and 2 have been developing their understanding of what Information Technology (IT) is and discussing where it can be seen. They have explored the benefits of IT in the wider world and role played how devices can work together in familiar places such as shops. They also considered how to use IT safely and discussed the different rules that might be associated with using them.

Parts of a Computer

Reception have been looking at what computers are and how they can be seen all around us. To become more familiar with computers, we have created our own junk model laptops, looked at different inputs and outputs and used some simple drawing apps.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
