Moving Toys

After visiting the Circus, Diamond Class created their own moving toy based on a circus theme. They investigated moving toys learning the names of parts like follower, slider, cam and axle. They constructed their own box learning how to join moving parts together and then decorated according to their designs. We think they are great.

Design and Technology

We designed and made our own Christmas cards and spinner toys. The Christmas cards were pipe cleaner trees, decorated with bead baubles and we each wrote a message to our families inside. Our spinner toys were designed so that they had parts of picture on each side and when we pulled the string, it spun to combine the two part pictures, into one complete picture. 

Our Christmas Cards

Making Christmas Cards

We designed and hand stitched our Christmas cards for our families. First, we made our designs then we punched holes in to our card where we needed to sew. The sewing was difficult but the end products we thought were beautiful!

Making Bread

Tasting Bread

Investigating Bread

Design Technology – Bread Rolls

In Design Technology, we designed and made our own bread rolls as part of our Harvest Festival celebrations.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
