Diamond Class History

In the Autumn, we learned about the Romans. We discovered where they came from and which parts of Europe they conquered. We found out about the Roman army discovering how they were so successful and finding out about their clothing and equipment. We also looked at a selection of pictures of Boudicca and evaluated which we could trust as accurate artefacts.

We learned about circuses before our school trip to the Hippodrome and discovered that in the 19th century, Pablo Fanque was a local circus owner and performer. 

In the spring term we learned about World War II and considered what it would have been like for evacuees. 

History and Art

We looked at a picture by Alan Moore and were inspired to make our own class version. Each pupil made a plane, carefully studying designs of real planes at that time.

Emerald History

During our Great Fire of London topic, we learned about life in the 17th century. We thought about what job we would choose and why the fire started and how it spread. We learned about buildings at that time and then designed our own buildings to replace those that were lost in the fire.

In the spring term, we learned about World War II. In Emerald Class we focused on what the war would have been like for children. We imagined what it might have been like for evacuees and wrote letters to our host families telling them about ourselves and stating our hopes for the future. 

English and History

We went on a class trip to Stranger’s Hall in Norwich to learn about life during the Great Fire of London. We handled artefacts from the 17th century, took part in a drama activity to understand how the fire spread and also looked around the rooms to see if there were any fire hazards. 

Great Fire of London

We learned about portraits and used our skills to reproduce a sketch of Samuel Pepys. We learned about the Great Fire of London, and read parts of the diary written by Samuel Pepys to find out what happened to people living in London during the fire.

During our Great Fire of London topic, we found out about life in the 17th century. We learned that buildings were made of wood with thatched roofs, which is why they burned so easily. We then compared them to modern buildings in London.

Forest schools – Perseverance

This week in forest schools we listen to a story Stacey read, The Tin Forest by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson about the power of perseverance and the importance of looking after the Earth.

Today’s activities included playing the Roman game of Rota, a three-in-a-row game like tic tac toe but played in a wheel shape, which many of us found intriguing. We also created our own natural mosaics using different coloured leaves found on the floor and inspired by the ancient Romans.

Forest schools – Roman Shields

We started this week’s forest schools with an exciting experiment. We tested the Roman Shields we made the previous week with water pistols!

The other activities were also lots of fun. Some of us took turns in whittling our own Roman daggers out of Willow, tried our hands at playing Roman dice games or made our own Roman coil pots. We still had time to find various shaped goals and a shield bug!

Roman Day

Diamond Class visited the Castle Museum Norwich to learn all about the Romans. We had to decide whether we voted for the Celtic life or for the changes that the Romans brought. What would you have voted for?

Timeline of British History

The children looked at key events in British history and considered when they may have happened. They then worked with a partner to arrange the events on a timeline, looking carefully at the dates.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
