The Year 4s have been exploring different ways of working out the area of a chape. We discovered that, using sticky notes, we could make lots of different shapes and still have the same area.
Size Ordering
Reception have been ordering items by their size. They used the words ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’, ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’ to compare.
Reception explored capacity. They enjoyed finding out how much water would fit in each container.
Reception have been investigating mass. They compared items and used balance scales to see which were heaviest.
Year 2 have been telling the time
They have been matching digital, analogue and written times.
The Year 3 and 4 have been learning about mass (the weight of objects). Today we were looking at the difference between grams and kilograms. First we handle the different weights and discussed which unit of mass different objects would be weighed in and why. Then, with the help of some scales, we worked out the missing weights to make 1kg.
Fraction Games
Year Three and Four have been consolidating what they have learned about fractions this week by playing different games. The games ranged from Fraction Bingo where they matched written fractions with diagrams to Fraction Splash where they recognised and named equivalent fractions. They also played Snakes and Ladders by subtracting two mixed number fractions. We worked hard and had great fun too!