
What a fabulous time Y5 and 6 had on residential at the Horstead Centre and they were pleased this year to be joined by our Federation school, Salhouse CEVC Primary. Lots of new friends were made and pupils learned to use our school values of perseverance and courage to tackle a lot of adventurous outdoor activities. They were an absolute pleasure to take away and everyone is super proud of them.

WW2 Inspired Dance

Diamond Class have been looking at different dance styles that were popular during the wartime period. They choregraphed their own dances based on the tempo and movement used in the original dance. They had great fun performing their versions of the Charleston, Lambeth Walk and the Lindy Hop to the rest of the class.


This term seven eager children took part in the cluster netball tournament. They all worked really hard and played brilliantly. Well done everyone!

KS1 Football

A team of eager KS1 pupils showed off their teamwork and passing and dribbling techniques this week by taking part in our cluster’s KS1 Football event. Everyone thought it was good fun and even though they felt a bit nervous to begin with, all announced trying the different skills was great.

Travelling in Gymnastics

Year 1 and 2 have been learning to safely carry and use the gymnastic apparatus. Linking to their history topic on travelling, we have been looking at how animals travel in different ways. They have learned to travel safely at different speeds and levels, and combine contrasting actions to make short routines.

Egyptian Gymnastics

This term in gymnastics, the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children have been using their bodies to create shapes which represent Ancient Egyptian icons and themes. Both individually and working in groups, they have learned to combine their gymnastic skills and historical knowledge to create and perform a sequence of Egyptian actions and balances.

KS2 Dance – Water

Diamond class have been learning about the water cycle in Science so in PE we have been creating a dance based on the movement of water. Our dance motifs have been created by combing three different types of movements. We learned how to move in unison, in cannon and to act and react to another’s actions. We shared our dances with the other children in the class and would like to share them with you as well.

KS1 Dance – Toys

This half term Emerald Class have been learning different ways to dance. We have been doing this by pretending to be different types of toys!

As Jack in the Boxes we danced a duet using act and react, with one child acting as the Jack in the Box and the other reacting to its movements. As Morph, we used our bodies to show a playdough man being made with many different changes in height and speed. And as clockwork toys, we listened to the beat and rhythm of music and moved in different ways as we pretended to be a clockwork band.

Cross Country

This week saw eleven pupils from KS2 take part in our cluster school’s cross country competition. After weeks of practice developing and maintaining their running techniques, they challenged themselves to run against other children in their year groups. This year we achieved 6th place with many children finishing in their best times and positions. Very well done to all who took part!

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
