Hand Prayers

In collective worship, we worked with a partner to write hand prayers for the Prayer Tree. We read our prayers and thank God in our daily collective worships.

Harvest Festival

The Whole school community met together at our church to celebrate Harvest Festival with Reverend Phil. We sang hymns and thanked God for all the wonderful things in our world. Our harvest produce was donated to Martham food bank.

Let’s Celebrate!

The whole school celebrated all the wonderful achievements over the last four weeks in school. Pupils recieved certificates for English and Maths work and for following our values. We also gave out our ‘Soar on Wings’ trophy to those that had ‘Soared’! 

It was lovely to celebrate all the achievements of pupils out of school too.

Summer Reading Challenge

A librarian for Great Yarmouth Library visited us to present the pupils who had completed the Summer Reading       Challenge with their medal and certificate. An amazing 28 pupils completed the challenge! We are so proud of them.

Emerald Class RE

We have been looking at the Christian story of creation. We learned that Christians believe that God made the world in seven days. 

We learned about the Hindu story of creation and then compared it to the Christian story. 

We enjoyed the Harvest Festival at Fleggburgh Church. We enjoyed learning a new song with Rev. Phil and made breads which we then shared with our families back at school after the church service.

We enjoyed the Harvest Festival at Fleggburgh Church. We enjoyed learning a new song with Rev. Phil and made breads which we then shared with our families back at school after the church service. 

Emerald class listened to the nativity story. We were able to link the story of the first Christmas to our school play and our reception children enjoyed acting out the story in the Christingle service at church. 

We made Christingles for our Christingle service at Fleggburgh church. We learned about what all the different parts symbolize.

This term we are learning about places of worship. We took time to reflect on our own ‘special places’ and what things we like to do there.

This week we learned about the Jewish place of worship and discovered that it is called a synagogue.

In our ‘Circles’ collective worship, we have been discussing these questions:

Pupil voice from circles collective worship groups

When someone behaves badly, how hard do you try to forgive and forget?

  • Ignore annoying behaviour
  • Accept apologies
  • We try hard
  • Could we get house points for forgiving?
  • It can be hard to forgive and forget
  • If they continue, tell and adult
  • Say sorry, even when you haven’t meant to hurt or upset someone

How does school help you to make positive choices?

  • School makes me happy
  • Teachers help us talk things through
  • Reflection time
  • Teachers check we are happy after a conflict
  • Consequences
  • We are helped to talk to each other
  • Teachers listen
  • Help in lessons
  • Having a break from people helps sometimes

Saint Telemachus

Reverend Andrew visited to lead a collective worship. He told us about the story of Saint Telemachus and we thought about how it is sometimes difficult but always right to stand up for what we believe in.

Our Crosses

We all chose a place in school that we wanted our crosses to hang. We think they look beautiful and they remind us to think of God whenever we are in school and whatever we are doing.

Emerald Class RE

During our R.E lesson we looked at the significance of Shabbat artefacts. We drew and described the different  artefacts in our books.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Julie Bodger, Tina Cogdell or Lisa Phillamore in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
