Emerald Class Dentist Visit

We had a visit from the ‘Dental Nurse’. We have been learning how to keep our teeth and gums healthy. We looked at what foods and drinks were good and bad for our teeth. We also were shown how to brush our teeth properly and for how long.


What a wonderful time Year 5 and 6 had on residential to How Hill. They learned how to dissect an owl pellet and what owls eat, and how to analyse the quality of the water in the broads. They learned what animal life there is on the broads and at How Hill from a boat trip, from dyke dipping and from setting animal camera traps. They also learned how to read a compass and completed some complicated orienteering courses. The pupils were amazing and we hope to return to How Hill to learn more about our broads in the summer.

Emerald Science

As scientists, we have been learning about how our ears work, knowing our ears help us with direction and understanding that sound is made up of vibrations.

We worked scientifically performing a test on musical instruments and recording data to help answer questions.

Emerald Class Scientists

Today in science we have been scientists. We have been looking at our eyes and how they work using scientific names for the parts of our eyes.

Reception also did a tally chart of all the people in the class to see what their eye colours were.

Forest Schools 13-10-22

This week our forest school’s session started with the tennis ball game. This game extended our listening skills as many balls were being thrown at the same time. We learned how rafts were tied together using ‘floor lashing’ to make it secure. Using a fire flint and striker, we each had a turn to catch a small piece of cotton wool alight – it was much harder than it looked! We ended the lesson with cooking our own marshmallows over the fire. What a lovely way to end this term’s forest school’s session.

Forest Schools 6-10-22                 

We started this week with creative art. Using a combination of salt dough and anything we found lying around outside, we made some interesting creations. Our session then split into different activities. We placed a piece of string around our feet and investigated what was going on in the ground beneath. We found lots of exciting bugs by sweeping them gently into plastic cups then we let them go again into their natural environment. The other activity combined our teamwork and construction skills to build a den using branches and leaves. We created some great dens.

Forest Schools – Science Focus

Today saw the start of our forest school’s session. We revisited our safety rules and played the tennis ball game to enhance our listening skills. This week we learned how bees collect honey. Running to collect water with a pipette, we emulated how bees fly back and forth to gather nectar. At the end of the session, we had a choice of looking for wasp galls or creating a ‘nature crown’ with string and items we gathered. 

Emerald class went on a trip to Banham Zoo

We have been finding out about habitats and carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We have written recounts of the day and made collages of our favourite animals. Can you tell which animals we liked best?

Emerald Class Science

In science we have been scientists learning about animals. We have been finding out if they are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish insects or birds. Alongside if they are herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
